Our partners


Thousands of satisfied guests worldwide who attest to our high level of service. The uninterrupted development and attention to detail is the key factor that has ensured that our guests keep coming back for many years.


Holi24 has existed in Tenerife since 2008. We have opened the private vacation rental portal with our own accommodations and have grown with increasing interest in private vacation properties on Tenerife. Today we cover different types of accommodation, from cheap apartments to comfortable holiday apartments, right on the beach, as well as luxury houses and fincas. All holiday properties offered by us are legal and have the prescribed license of the Canary Island Government VV (Vivienda Vacacional) for tourist rental.

We are also available to our customers in the field of property management in Spain and property management. Our friendly and motivated employees such as pool service, gardeners, technicians and property maintenance staff are always at your disposal with enthusiasm and their professional expertise. We are available for our customers 24 hours a day.